Why Mantis - FUTURE

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Ways to Work on Your Net Zero Targets


Every industry faces its own set of issues, and Mantis pride ourselves on tackling industry needs with a breadth of solutions available and ROI at the forefront.


Explore sustainability articles, highlighted projects, and ways we can partner together.


Ingenuity Unleashed. Results Delivered.

Energy Solutions

Reduce costs. Become more sustainable.
Improve performance.

Tight budgets, pressure to lower carbon emissions, not enough in-house resources or time – today’s owners/operators face challenges like these every day. From small-scale operations struggling to manage power costs to teams managing a portfolio of several hundred buildings, companies need reliable partners to make smart decisions regarding facility solutions.

Mantis Innovation efficiency solutions bridge the gap between today's operations and tomorrow's sustainability initiatives

Reverse auction, competitive rates, multiple procurement models

Energy savings, financial benefits, grid resiliency, performance data and metrics

Mantis Innovation develops and implements programs for facility owners and operators to better manage their building performance from roofs, walls, and pavement to energy spend and power usage. Our balanced approach to facility management addresses both operating spend and capital renewal. This strategy provides reliable forecasts of future spending and results in significant savings.

Why facility performance matters to us

We’ve always had our feet firmly planted in the world of buildings.  From the energy that powers them to their assets and operations: leveraging our facility solutions to enable better facility performance is foundational to who we are.