Mantis Solutions

Demand Response

Automated demand response is low risk and big reward

Utilities pay large energy consumers to conserve or shift their electricity usage in response to energy shortages, price increases, high demand, or grid emergencies. Automated demand response supports a more resilient, stable, and clean electric grid. Rather than activating additional power plants, grid operators pay commercial and industrial energy users to temporarily conserve energy or switch to backup power.

Our sustainability experts can work with you to identify automated demand response programs to help you immediately achieve these benefits. From no-cost, no-risk services to more full-featured solutions, we help you understand your options and make implementation a breeze.

We can connect energy users like you to the grid, maximize your cash returns from the utilities, and help you understand how your demand response performance translates into value, gaining real-time visibility into usage for additional opportunities to save on your energy bill.

Key Benefits

predictive analytics
Track Energy Consumption

Get real-time insights into usage across your facilities for better decision-making.

improved visibility
Monitor Operations

Understand which facilities are performing and which are lagging behind to understand where you need repairs or upgrades.

incentive dollars
Quickly Adjust During Demand Response Events

Take the guesswork and manual labor out of adjusting to meet peak demand events.

immediate savings
Maximize Dollars Earned

We help you get the most out of available programs across your portfolio.


LED lighting is a key component of a broader sustainability strategy, reducing carbon footprint.

Additional Insight

power lines
Why Are Energy Prices Soaring in 2025?: The PJM Capacity Auction

The recent PJM capacity auction has resulted in a dramatic increase in energy prices, set to take effect in June 2025. This development is crucial for commercial and industrial businesses, as it will significantly impact their energy costs and overall ope

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PJM Capacity Auction Results: A Surge in Prices and Its Implications

PJM recently released the capacity auction results at the end of July for the period of June 2025 through May 2026, and the outcomes have been much higher than most anticipated.

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Understanding Peak Demand Notifications and How They Can Benefit Your Business

In the world of energy management, peak demand periods represent a critical time when the electricity grid is under the most stress, typically during extreme weather conditions like heat waves or cold snaps.

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Next Steps

Facility Performance Analysis

Contact us to schedule your no-cost facility performance and energy analysis. Our team will evaluate your lighting and identify savings opportunities.

Featured Solutions
Demand Response is a great solution, but do you know what makes it even greater? Pairing it with any of the offerings below!
  • Energy Procurement
  • Smart & Connected Buildings
  • Roof Asset Management
  • Utility Bill Management
  • Sustainability Consulting