Trinity Health New England - LED Lighting, HVAC/Mechanical, Building Management Systems
Trinity Health of New England contracted with the efficiency solutions group at Mantis Innovation to develop and implement lighting and mechanical efficiency solutions at three of its hospitals:
- Saint Francis Hospital – Hartford, CT
- Mount Sinai Hospital – Hartford, CT
- Johnson Memorial Medical Center – Stafford Springs, CT
The total cost of the efficiency solutions was approximately $6 million with annual electricity savings of over 8 million kWh and gas and oil savings of over 260,000 therms.
We accessed the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund through Eversource and CNG for over $3,250,000 of incentives, resulting in a project that pays for itself in just 2 years.
Selected Solutions
- 9,200 fixtures replaced, and counting
- A variety of LEDs and kits equipped with intelligent integrated sensors
- LED lamps + drivers in valance and cove areas
- Sconce and can retrofits throughout the hallways, conference rooms and common spaces of each hospital
- Retrofitted 6 air handling units with face and bypass steam coils and EC motor fan arrays
- Converted multiple Building Automation Systems into one common, integrated BAS
- Reduced operating room air changes during occupied hours to minimum code requirements
- Installed coordinated controls for spaces served by separate cooling systems and heating systems
- Installed a plate and frame heat exchanger to operate in series with the chiller
Air Handling Unit Refurbishment
- Converted two hot deck/cold deck AHUs to two zone VAV units with reheat
- New face + bypass steam coils
- New chilled water coil
- Fan arrays
- Reheat coils
- Dampers and controls
Environmental Equivalents
Over time, the environmental impact from the Trinity Health lighting and mechanical project is big. These equivalents reflect their annual kWh savings:
- 648 household electricity use for one year
- 1,096 cars taken off the road
- 4,216 acres of pine or fir forests storing carbon for one year
- 5,480 conventional cars converted to hybrid
- 11,752 barrels of oil