LED lighting upgrade to improve safety, reduce energy use
The Talbots headquarters struggled with dark parking lot areas and dimming exterior pole lights outside of its office buildings. The two types of outdated fixtures, metal halide (cooler/blue tone) and high-pressure sodium (warmer/yellow tone), had degraded to poor light levels.
In need of a retrofit, Talbots turned to Mantis Innovation to design a turnkey efficiency solution.
Our lighting team engineered the new fixtures to produce uniform light and selected a product to work with both voltages in the different parking lots.
- LED lighting
- Advanced controls
- Utility incentive qualification
The Results
Moving to LED resulted in a huge performance upgrade and the same, bright light levels for all exterior fixtures. The one fixture type can be used throughout all the parking lots, is easier to manage for future maintenance, and results in an expedited project timeframe.
This project, completed quickly, was designed to align with Talbots’ energy efficiency strategies. A total of 72 fixtures rated at 125 watts were installed, improving the efficiency of the old fixtures (458 watts) by over 70%.