Inspiring future leaders with sustainable campuses

Transforming the Higher Education Industry

Higher ed facilities hold the key to innovation, enduring campuses, and budget savings

Higher education is shaping the future, but to continue leading the way, college leaders must first conquer the challenges of today’s evolving campus demands. With rising pressure from administration and faculty, students and their parents, alumni, and other stakeholders, the pressure is on to attract tomorrow’s learners, enhance campus experiences, and make every dollar count — all while meeting ambitious sustainability goals.

Meeting these demands takes smarter strategies that go beyond surface-level fixes. From streamlining operations to transforming energy and facility management, higher ed institutions have a powerful opportunity to lead with innovation.

Modernizing facility and energy management is the key to achieving all these goals, boosting sustainability and cost savings, while creating vibrant campuses where students thrive.


Meeting higher education demands

The Tuition & Affordability Crisis

Amid student debt news headlines, higher education institutions are under pressure to show they are making the most of tuition rates and precious budgets—not to mention endowments, alumni giving, government allocations, and research grants. The balancing act they must master is keeping operational costs down while making the campus experience worthy of the tuition dollars.

Aging Infrastructure
Stretching Budgets Across Aging Infrastructure

Facilities O&M is often the #2 higher ed budget OpEx category, after faculty and administration salaries. Meanwhile, beautiful, historic campuses — and their buildings and other facilities — are showing their age. Budgets need to stretch to tackle issues like uncomfortable and inefficient building systems that leak heat and energy costs.

Doing More and Doing It Well — with Less

Not only are budgets tight but campus facility teams are often smaller than required to attend to all the issues their facilities face. Students (and their vocal parents) expect safe, comfortable living and learning environments. Aging HVAC, plumbing, and other systems lead directly to service disruptions, frustrated students and families, and mounting repair costs.

Making Campuses a Living Green Laboratory

A majority of college students say it’s important for their campus to prioritize sustainability. Many higher-ed institutions offer sustainability, climate, clean energy finance, and other courses as part of academic curricula. By making the campus a landscape of sustainable facilities, higher ed leaders can bring that coursework to life for students and faculty while living up to sustainability expectations.

Meeting Sustainability Goals & Staying Competitive

Attracting top talent — both students and faculty — means staying competitive. And more than ever, that involves setting and achieving diverse sustainability goals. That’s because sustainability has become the new business as usual for leading institutions. For example, higher ed institutions from 49 states plus Washington, DC, have submitted reports to AASHE’s STARS program that determines the annual Sustainable Campus Index rankings.

Achieving the green edge across campus

Students on Stairs

Optimizing facility and energy strategy

The campus experience is central to student and faculty life. By bringing campus buildings up to today’s sustainability standards, schools can reduce operating costs while improving comfort and well-being.

From optimizing heating and cooling systems and building envelopes, to rethinking electricity systems, higher ed leaders can tap into the triple bottom-line benefits of sustainable operations. The key is to tailor solutions to your institution’s unique circumstances. After all, big private universities, state / public institutions, and community colleges have different real estate needs. 


Mastering capital planning

Informed by peer benchmarking and sophisticated data and analytics, a strong asset baseline view will help your team evaluate which capital improvements, like equipment replacement, have wiggle room for delay – and which you should fast-track based on performance goals.

Together, we’ll look across campus building systems to improve sustainability, modernize facility experiences, and give you more control over operational spend.


Tackling higher education industry questions, together

  • What low-hanging fruit facility updates will deliver the most bang for our buck in the near term? How can we build out an informed roadmap and capital plan for future campus improvements?
  • What can we learn from peer institutions that have already achieved carbon neutrality?
  • Can we take advantage of renewable energy credits?
  • Given our geographic location, how feasible is transitioning partially or fully to solar panels, geothermal heating, or electric vehicles.
  • How can we work our efforts into our brand, and make our progress more widely known?

Contact Us

Together we can drive campus sustainability goals forward – while unlocking all-new value for your school’s financial performance, reputation, and legacy.

Additional Insight

aerial view of multiple large buildings
Optimizing Facility Performance with Smart & Connected Buildings Solutions

Revolutionizing facility performance is no longer just a luxury—it's necessary in today’s business environment. Plus, maintaining efficiency, sustainability, and occupant comfort can be especially daunting for those managing multiple facilities However,

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Energy Efficiency in Higher Education

Today’s higher education institutions (HEIs) face numerous challenges beyond educating their students, not the least of which is optimizing their energy efficiency. With exponential pressure from students, their parents, administrators, and other stakehol

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University of Hartford

This initiative included a campus-wide lighting overhaul, replacing old incandescent and fluorescent lighting with energy-efficient lighting.

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