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Researching suppliers and rates can be very time-consuming. One of the biggest hassles is the amount of time spent writing multi-page RFPs and going back and forth negotiating the best rate with your preferred suppliers in hopes you don’t overspend and run your budget to the ground.
That’s where Procure comes in.
Typically, if you need to procure energy or track down the best rates for your company, you must go to the suppliers directly. With a reverse auction, we bring those same suppliers to you to compete for your business. After the short 5-minute auction, you’ll walk away with more time in your schedule, more money in your pocket, and the confidence of knowing that you’ve made the best choice for your business.
We will actively coordinate the auction and invite all of the energy suppliers in your area to participate. On the day of your reverse auction, you will simply log in, and a Mantis Innovation Energy Analyst will guide you through the entire process. We strive to make the process as straightforward as possible and are always on hand to answer questions throughout the entire auction.
Once you’re logged in, and the auction is ready to go, you will see approximately 5-15 energy suppliers ready to compete for your business. Once the auction clock starts, the suppliers will begin presenting offers and counteroffers, driving your energy rate down.
Additionally, if any new low offer comes in after the 2-minute mark, the auction clock will automatically reset to 2 minutes, ensuring that all suppliers have adequate time to respond. This process will continue until no additional low offers are submitted, guaranteeing you receive the best rate possible. Never fear, though – reverse auctions typically last around ten minutes.
Once the reverse auction is complete, you can review all offers, including term lengths and the rates from each supplier, and choose the one that best works for your company. Or, you can choose none of the suppliers' offers if they do not suit your needs. The auction itself is entirely risk-free – there is no out-of-pocket cost to run an auction, and once it’s over, you are not obligated to transact.
With the reverse auction, you’ll gain access to more suppliers, save money and time by avoiding the back-and-forth negotiation, and skip out on writing lengthy RFPs. Instead, the suppliers will bid for your business…so you’re guaranteed to always secure the best rate for your organization.
Contact us today to learn more about reducing your energy costs with Procure by Mantis Innovation.
Discover more about improving facility performance while reducing costs.